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  • Writer's pictureAvaitors Maldives

Today is Worlds Meteorological Day.

World metrological day is celebrated every year on the 23rd of March since the establishment of the World Metrological Organization in 1950.

The theme for the 2021 World Metrological Day is:

"The Ocean, our climate and weather” which is in conjunction with the launch of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable.

Maldives Metrological services was established in 1942. It was first operated with only a maximum and minimum thermometer, a rain gauge, and an anemometer.

By 1974, metrological office services were up to the international standards, SYNOP reports were done twice a day and the METAR reports were done from 5 am to 8 pm also with one upper air observation. It become a member of WMO in 1978.

In 1980, the department of meteorology was made as an independent office and National Meteorological Centre was created to be operational 24/7.

The very first weather forecasts were done in 1984 under the supervision of Indian Meteorologist Mr. M.S. Singh. Installation of the radiotele printer, which was used to receive METAR, SYNOPS, TAFS, SIGMET, and upper-air observations from other meteorological centers of the world also took place this year.

Gan metrological Office was established in 1975 and by 1985 it was operational 24/7. Later, metrological offices were established in L.Kahdhoo in 1986, Hanimadhoo in 1990, G dh Kaadedhdhoo in 1993. All offices are today operational 24/7.

Metrological offices play a major role in aviation as pilots are required to know weather conditions for take-off, en route, and at their destination airport.

Weather forecasts help pilots to plan flight routings and flight levels to better avoid turbulence and help plan flight levels that would provide a good tail wind to cut off flight time and to avoid headwinds.

Weather forecasts provide pilots time to plan their flight in advance and to determine whether it is safe to operate the flight.

On this occasion, we thank and we wish everyone working at metrological offices in the Maldives and all around the world, a Happy World Metrological Day.



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