The financing and/or development of 6 additional domestic airports in the Maldives are open for expression of interest.

The 6 airports to be developed are:

The following points shall be considered in Expressions of Interest submitted;
Each airport development is a separate project. The proponent shall clearly indicate which airport they are proposing to develop/finance under this model.
If the Expression of Interest is solely for financing, the minimum amount that can be submitted for consideration is US$ 5,000,000 (United States Dollars Five Million).
Proponents may submit Expressions of Interest for full or part development of a specified airport.
The total investment proposed or commited under this model shall be set-off against the acquisition cost and the declared land rent of the island/land/lagoon allocated for tourism under this model.
Proponents must submit their Expressions of Interest under the Unsolicited Proposals Policy (USP) of the Government to the Ministry of Economic Development. Or e-mail to The USP application form must be submitted along with the Expression of Interest.
There are already 17 airports in operation in the Maldives at present.