A mid-air collision occurred between a Key Lime Air Air Swearingen SA-226TC Metro II and a private Cirrus SR-22 near Denver USA.

The midair collision occurred during the final approach while both aircraft were cleared for a visual approach to parallel runways.
The Key Lime Air Metro II with one crew was performing a visual approach to Centennial's runway 17L about 3nm north of runway threshold descending through 6,400ft while the Cirrus SR-22 with two people on board was performing a visual approach to runway 17R and was descending through 6,400ft 3nm north of Runway 17R threshold.
The aircraft was advised of the parallel landing traffic however the Cirrus SR-22 overshot the centerlines of both runway 17R and 17L and the two aircraft collided.

The Cirrus struck across through the fuselage of the Metroliner just above the wings taking a section of that area. The Metroliner pilot declared emergency reporting right engine failure and reported they saw another aircraft going down.
The Metroliner pilot managed to land the aircraft safely on the runway while the Cirrus pilot activated the aircraft parachute system and landed safely in a field nearby. There were no injuries and the NTSB have opened an investigation.