Maldivian has begun the process of replacing the aging De Havilland Dash8 fleet entirely to newer modern ATRs.

The first three ATRs joined the Maldivian fleet early in 2023 and since have been heavily used in flight operations primarily operating domestic routes and occasionally international routes.
Following this addition, the use of Dash8 fleets decreased with Maldivian planing to add a total of 8 ATRs by 2025.,
The carrier today has put on sale one of the Dash-8s (MSN 546 registration 8Q-IAS).
This aircraft, 8Q-IAS was added to the Maldivian fleet in 2012 at a time when Maldivian was adding multiple Dash-8s eventually reaching a total of 10 aircraft operating at peak in 2019 just before COVID.
The demise of Dash8 is a sad sight as it is still an incredible machine however after exchanging ownership with multiple manufacturers the aircraft is currently out of production.
De Havilland who recently took ownership of Dash8 initially planned to launch a newer model of the aircraft however the impact of COVID resulted in a halt of any such developments.
Multiple carriers that operated the Dash8 have replaced the fleet entirely over time with now Maldivian joining on board.