Gan International Airport became a member of the Aviation Fuel Joint Inspection Group (JIG) as the first airport in the Maldives to be a member.
The Joint Inspection Group (JIG) which is endorsed from both The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Airlines for America (A4A) was founded in the early 1970’s and today is a world-leading organisation for the development of aviation fuel supply.
JIG established a first generation of 4 international standards. The first one, JIG 1, details how to manage refuelling operations which is the transportation of fuel from the airport depot to its distribution to the aircraft wing.
JIG 2 details the storage of fuel at an airport which explains how documentation, rules for filtering and drainage, etc. There is a variation of this standard which is JIG 4, for smaller airports.
The standard EI JIG 15-30, which was recently replaced with the JIG 3 was written in collaboration with the Energy Institute and it details rules to be followed in depots and refineries.
The JIG standards are followed by over 100-member organisations globally, operating at more than 2750 airports and supply & distribution locations in over 100 countries.
JIG carries out audits of the 2,000 biggest airports in the world under the JIGs jurisdiction by one of their 50 JIG-certified inspectors.